
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Miss Pharmacy/Southern Man

Miss Pharmacy - Guys dressed up as girls and the other way round for Southern Man
It was held at Captain Cook Tavern :):)

There were a few rounds to determine the winner :)
For Miss Pharmacy, they had to do a dance, pick up line, nightwear(gown)
For Southern Man, it's the same. However, they had to answer ten questions related to sports and liquor rather than wearing nightgown :)

Pick up lines (the ones that i remember from Southern Man)
1) It looks like a needle but work like a sewing machine
2) You are a slow release tablet that slowly melting my heart
3) Do u have a mirror under there because I can see myself in it

Her bOobs are way bigger than mine! HAA

Pretty ladies


Come on baby~
-The end-


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