
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter break 1

The more I stay in Christchurch, the more I do not wish to CRAWL back to Dunedin.
I woke up really early on Friday, at around 5.45am, getting ready to go to Christchurch! This time, Gladys' friend gave us a ride so woohoo~ just 4 hrs plus and I reached here!
The night before, after Anson's 21st, I reached home and couldn't find my housekey and felt so bad to take key from Jon while he's at Nova having dessert with his friends. Tapi, I need to pack so walked with Zai to get key from my beloved flatmate. :):):)
While packing, I found my key in my bag!!! *speechless*

Mizah and Zai sleptover
My journey begins... Oh yeah, it's Good Friday when I arrived so ALL the shops were CLOSED!!! =(=( And they are close today too (Easter)

The driver asked me about my dropping point - hopsital or Hagley avenue. I just replied hospital tho in my mind I wish he can drop me off at Juang's place. There were 3 hospitals and I did not know which one so I just suibian and so waited for my EX at the entrance of the Women Hospital.
Juang: Where are u?

Yun: Erm...entrance of hospital

Juang: I don't see you

Yun: there's a green maori monument/statue here


Yun: Oh Juang it is the women hospital

Rupanya, that's the furthest hospital from her house but then she managed to find me and we just talked non-stop!!!

Since all the shops were closed, Juang brought me to feed the ducks and of course, taking pics! never waste your camera, the greatest invention apart from computer!

Anyone wants roast duck? xD

very very HIGH

Realise something? Two different girls and two different looks :):) However, Juang is super flexible. She can transform herself to wear like mine :):)

Juang: Yunnie! quick go stand there. I take pic of u with the tram

I looked very silly

Too bad holding his hand has no feeling oneeee
I love this pic because look at Juang! SHe's soooo HAAWWWT and herrr Legss!!! I want those!!!
On the way to Cathedral Square, I just couldn't resist not buying cookies so....I feel so tiny :):)Those seagulls are very scary because u just threw food on the floor and the whole flock of them just swarmed here and followed us This reminds me of that ONE DOLLAR MAPLE LEAF incident last year when I got tricked by two primary school kids These two guys here are studying in Christchurch. They picked us up for a chillax session. Before this there's a very interesting story. I told them the wrong address. It is just one number by mistake because it was supposed to be 448 and i told them 488. No wonder it took them sooo long to find us. *paaaaisehh*
While waiting for them to pick up Nat and Yuli, here we go again..taking pics
We had limteh at Le Cafe.

Move two of these to get "yi ge ling" (one zero)

I was cracking my head and this goes for Nat too

Rupanya, its YI GE LING in chinese character! *-_-"*
Ice chocolate
Garlic Bread

Don't know
Told u, Juang not only has a sporty side but girly one as well :):)The cat - VERY FAT
Alone in the booth2 guys inside
Normal couple inside 2 girls outside
Gay vs Les -THE END-


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