Thanks Nat for driving Nins and I in a wet weather.
I absolutely love Zumba and that's the best form of exercise cos' I really enjoy it to the fullest!
However, when I reached home, sushi was waiting for me on the table. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
After a quick lunch and shower, I had to walk to the other end of dunny for my elective meeting under the rain. Thank you my dad for buying me that waterproof laptop bag. It's really handy when you have to bring it to somewhere far - All I need to do is chuck my laptop into the bag and drag it. Easy peasy but not when you have to bring it on the plane cos' it's not small.
talking about elective! I am soo tired of this! Why is our topic so hard!!! There's not a lot of information that we can find and report writing is not easy when you don't have enough information and have to reference it! I HATE REFERENCING!!!
I spent endless hours doing research and only found this much of information. This really takes up lots of my time when I can start catching up with my studies!!!! %Q$%W%^T%#^%
I have to blame myself too coz I cannot live without facebook and blog. Look at me now, I always spent my time to update my blog xD At least, I enjoy it!!
Okay, enough said! I will talk about something FUN!!
It's LyeJinn's birthday dinner at HS restaurant!! Thank you Arthur for being a nice chauffeur xD
bea loves peace
The birthday girl is really pretty!! What with using butcher knife? Hahaha
After that, we went to Elim for FAME!!
This is just a random shot. Huntre centre where I have my workshop most of the time. The other one is at Adam Building (Pharmacy school)
With charity (b tan! I realised that u appear almost in all of my posts) xD
Jo - the cranium girl (white blouse). Rather, a big an of John Mayer!!
Amelia - the sweetie
Look how strong I am (With Ahmad and Edwin)