
Monday, August 30, 2010

Marie's 21st

After Jo's birthday celebration at Hanami, I went to Marie's 21st at Cellars Bar located at 6 Stafford Street.Thank you Nat for giving me a ride there and lotte for the ride back =) 

Marie is another sweet and caring girl I have met in Dunedin with a good voice. She is an excellent singer (Of course I have heard her sing before to be able to judge this). The birthday theme is rainbow-coloured which explains for my BRIGHT RED apparel.

Lotte and Nat
Photo taking is a must. To be honest, I bring camera wherever I go and will not miss a chance to capture anything that represents the memory of the day. I am a person who loves to look back at the old photos and reminisce about the good olden days. =)=)
Esther and Boris
 The underground gives me a feel of being in the 80s There are comfy sofas, fireplace and also graffiti on the wall. There is upstairs which is really for those A-Go-Go era customers (They were all in their 50s)
Harmony, David, Lotte and Jo
A contrast of red and yellow
L-O-V-E is in the air
With Marie and her boy
Gladys look really gorgeous and bea as usual HAWWT
Love the mixture of colour

Naomi and Nic
The PHOTOGENIC koreans
- The End - 
P/s: I really have a hard time blogging using this updated version of blogger! Sooo mafaaaan!


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