
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dermatology workshop

I started my day at 12pm but woke up at 10am to ring quite a number of pharmacies for internship. However, all are like in vain. I just hope that I am able to get one asap cos' this is very frustrating.

This is just a random picture which is not related to this post. Just want to share that this is one of the best ice creams I have ever tried! If you come across this brand "MOVENPICK", it is a must to try despite the price. Very highly recommended.

Maple and walnut flavour
You just don't want to stop once you start eating it!

I had workshop this afternoon at Adams building. It was patient assessment regarding the different types of skin conditions. To be honest, it is not easy to diagnose the type of condition and I prefer therapeutics way more than patient assessment. Also, there are so many drugs for skin! GG man

We had fun during the workshop though.

The spokeperson for Urea cream (Is that what it is?)

What creams?

Use this to soften ur skin (Don't even know what that is)

Want skin that's soft to touch and smooth to hold, get these products

Busy looking at photos of the various type of skin condition

Arthur! I can see hairs in your nostrils! Do you want to wax or pluck it? xD

Busy looking at products

Jeanne, wassup with your tongue? French kissing? or
My notes in the class

Pharmacology essay is still hanging. Nowadays, I felt so tired and has been sleeping lots including taking naps during the day and even before dancing practice.
Nyways, I will stop here now because it's my relaxing time!!

-The End-


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