International Ball Part 2. This post also includes some scenes that others might like to know what happened to ICC execs after the ball. Enjoy!!
Jane and I cam-whoring while waiting for people under the cold condition
I had to sit at the committee table but then most of the time I am at the pharmacy table (The exec who always gone missing)
Yes! We provide FOOD too and everything just cost 35 bucks per person! This is the cheapest deal you can ever get for a BALL and not to mention it being at aquatic centre.
Game (thanks to Art)was also organised and the table that got the answers to most questions correct won 2 bottles of wine - It's table 7 people
Representative from each table rushing to hand in their answer sheet
Art and Arthur (I just realized that most of the people I know have their names start with the letter A)
This was the surprise of the ball. Fireplay (I have no idea what the actual name is). Basically it is like juggling fire xD Very cool!
The night before the ball, our chairman fed us at GuangZhou restaurant before we started work. Weyta has helped out a lot as well. Thank you!
Feeling grateful to those who helped with cleaning up after the ball. You know who you are. Love u all muchie muchie
After that, ICC execs just took some random shots at my place. To be honest, I was really HIGH at that time even without alcohol. Oh well, I only drank a bit before going to McD for supper. Jon and Jane were two who drank like siao-lang and got sooo high
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