
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Guy Fawkes Night ; Bacchus

Guy Fawkes Night was here again yesterday. This day arises due to the failure of Gunpowder Plot of 1605 whereby a group of provincial English Catholics failed to assassinate the Protestant King James I of England and VI of Scotland. This day marked the survival of the king on 5 November 1605, after a guy known as Guy Fawkes who was left in charge of the gunpowder was arrested.

The weather was quite windy, chilly and rained at times. Nevertheless, we still played with fireworks at night. I want to thank to two organisers - Art and Weyta as well as Kelvin for risking himself lighting the fireworks as anything can happen to him due to the crappy weather.

Before going to aquatic centre for the firework display, Art brought me to Bacchus for dessert. I ordered Rhubarb Creme Brulee (Yes, I love Creme Brulee). I thought Art would order brownies but in the end, he ordered Chocolate mousse cake because I made him ate brownies that I baked for 2 days in a row. He must have been so sick of it. HAHAHA!

 Death by Chocolate Mousse Cake with Rasberry Coulis

 Rhubarb Creme Brulee

 Mr and Mrs Huang - LIGHT BULB - Mr and Mrs Lai

-The End-


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