Sunny day - two thumbs up for laundry including giving my giant teddy a sun tan!
This is written on Wednesday while I was in Med Library doing elective.
I am feeling like shit because my body is not doing me any good. The only thing I want to do is sleeping on my comfy bed, hugging my soft toys and pillow.
Currently, I am at med library doing elective during the holiday. This sounds pathetic but I pray that we are on the right track so all our efforts will be paid off.
The entry today will be about Egg tarts. It is just a short one, I promise (probably not? We will see)
Yesterday, two people are talking about egg tarts on facebook which made me craved for one! I actually intended to get them from Golden Harvest but I want to bake something. Taddaaaa~ EGG TARTS. To be honest, I dislike making these because it took me ~ 2-3 hours to finish the dough and filling. It is the crust that took up lots of my time. I should have just bought the crust from New World which is just 5 mins walk from my house. Instead, I took the pain to do everything from scratch. Oh well, at least it is the feeling of satisfaction that I am looking for. I still remember the first time I made this they turned out to be Portuguese instead of HongKong egg tarts.
I miss DOTTS egg tarts from KK. SO far in NZ, the best one I have tried is from Golden Harvest.
Part 2 when Kai's here |
Kai is in Dunny again! He's trying to look cool with his long cola candy
It has been quite a while since my flatmate appears on my blog. For some reason, he loves buying alcohol nowadays. Perhaps, he has experienced a trauma recently. Only God knows what has happened and his thoughts. He is a person whom I have failed to understand even after 4 years knowing him. To be honest, I used to believe every single thing that he said to me but not anymore so I just regard most of the things are just jokes.
Of course, I trust him fully still.
-The End-
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