
Monday, June 7, 2010

Mozart requiem + makan + random

MOZART REQUIEM + Hadyn Organ Concerto in C in conjunction with the celebration of Knox Church Dunedin 150th Anniversary!

I went there yesterday night (sunday) and am very impressed with the the orchestra and knox church choir as well as the artists - soprano, mezzo soprano, tenor and baritone. Bravo!!Actually, I intended to study but then this is once in a lifetime (I know I still have a lot to catch up with my boring lectures and workshops )

Knox Church

End of part i

Boring lecture note

Love custard slice

Thank you my caring flatmate for making lunch two days ago. Boleh jual sudah niii

End of part ii

Last Saturday, BSA held a sembahyang hajat followed by makan. I did not take all of the photos tho.

This is really yum! Butter milk chicken

End of part iii

My teddy with pharmacy t-shirt

Yeah, pharmacy is all about structures and I absolutely hate structures!!! ARGGGGHHHH!!! I still have a lot to do but luckily still stress-free eventho quite worried just now.

-The End-


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