
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

With my 2 sayangs

Last Friday - I was invited by my 2 sayangs to join them to BSB! As usual, my second sayang aka Tom picked me up in the morning (C tom ani! He said he will reach my place at NINE SHARP! Haaa..Taielaaaa^^) Then we stopped at UBD to fetch Yen. I had eaten breakfast but my stomach still 'berdangdut' and c tom hadn't eaten anything so just went to eat Murtabak!!!
Roti Telur

Tom's roti with mata lembu (Talking about mata lembu, I remembered when I first heard about this, I thought it was cow's eyes and they just gonna mix it in the roti...ewwww)

Then went to 2 tamu - Yen the interviewer

After that -> watch underworld 3 @ cineplex. This is a very good movie. Don't worry if you have not watched the first two because you will still be able to understand the story perfectly since it is a prequel

Where Next? Blues Cafe and Restaurant ! 50% off on all foods and drinks ! Credit goes to my beloved nephie (Andy Vun)!

Ayunya c tom atu

OTW to coffee bean
Woooo!!! Staieeeeee
I copy Tom..LOL
Haa!! It would be good if the book was an educational one...LOL
Peace yen
Double peace
Cheers! To our friendship!
"I feel famous today"
Tom! mau hit yen tapi ketawa!
Then went to kiulap hwa ho ! shopping time~
Last --dinner @ qlap..makan soto bunut.

Panjang eh kuku c tom!!! Untuk apa tu? Korek tahi hidungmu? *Haaaa*
No!!!!!! This soto is nice and cheap! 2 bucks only!
What I felt that day was I kept on eating non-stop. Haaaaaa


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