
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Angus Steakhouse

Angus steakhouse is just 4-5 minutes walk from my place. The choice to dine there came about when Art and I were making a hard decision on what cuisine and restaurant to suppress our hunger after our budget meeting. We wanted to go to a place where both of us have never tried before.
I am glad that I tried it because I really love this place and the food and dessert are really delicious! I strongly recommend this restaurant and rate it 4.8/5 including the service and environment.


I ordered it medium (I love it to be either medium or medium rare)

Desserts were good too!
Mango and Lime cheesecake

Chocolate dream

-The End-

Sunday, July 25, 2010

International Cultural Night 2010

InTeRnAt|oNaL CuLtUrAL NiGhT 2010 was a HuGe SucCeSs!! It is a night with various performances by different countries to let us have a feel of their unique cultures. This is always an event that is long-awaited by students, elderly, family, children, basically just everyone! Congratulations to ICC who has planned this quite a number of months ahead because in every single meeting, there will never be a time that international cultural night is not mentioned. Warm gratitude to all who were involved including the audiences on that night too for making it happen again this year.

This year, flags were used as decoration. Other than that, there were two chinese lanterns hung at 'front of house' and the fabric streamers decorating the edge of the stage.
Thank you for all those who helped with the decoration

Sound and lighting from Strawberry sound. Well done! Jon and Kavesh for being so pro in this thing.

Town Hall was filled up pretty quickly and upper gallery was opened for audiences eventually.
At the upper gallery

Our marvellous MCs of the night

Lion dance was pretty cool!

Our amazing actors! I am very impressed with them because they only had less than 5 days to practise.
The two of them really make a good pair!

Food for ICN Crew!

Our dashing ushers! I really appreciate them for helping out tonight! Arigato!

Shir and Jo

Nat and Lotte

Pimp and girls

Pharmacy has a lot of cool people xD

Most importantly, without this guy here, there will no be International cultural night. He is no one other than ICC's president - Art stands for Awesome!

Our photographer for the night - Eddie. He took a total of 748 photos! and those photos are not simply just snap here and there! All look very professional! Good Job!
ICA and NZAPS presidents having a friendly photograph session xD

Nat's pose!

Cambodian's traditional costume. Thanks to Lumeus for helping me getting ready and Shir for make up

Anson! Why did you cover your face?

Shirlene - she's very good at make-up!

My "hiao" son and daughter-in-law

Lesson: Never forget your mom even after you already have a wife

Taiwanese Bea, Japanese Jo and cambodian style

With the Bruneians!! I am so proud of them! They really did well!

The one on the far right is the Genie on the video on the screen.
The lady next to me helped Imran
Amal, our BSA's president! Woohoo
Talking about Imran. He's the stage manager who has made this night possible too! Two thumbs and eight fingers up! xD I would have raised my toes if that's possible

Jane and I - The only two females in ICC. (Hey! Girls make up most of the uni population! Please agree with me on this *giggle*)

The other member in ICC is Ed! He was narrating the whole night and Yes! I love his English! Well done!

Again, a BIG THANK YOU and CONGRATULATION to everyone who has planned, helped and attended this spectacular event!

"After party" - was supposed to be yumchar but ended up eating Turkish cuisine because Golden Harvest was closed.

Art was busy texting while Jo could not stop ogling at Jon *hee*

Adeline, the beautiful MC

Art! I just realized one thing! WHERE'S UR CAP? Lol

-The End-

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